Will I need planning permission for a heat pump?
Project type
One of the biggest contributors to CO2 emissions in a property is the heating system, therefore you may want to find a way to employ a more energy efficient and sustainable method of heating your home.
Replacing your boiler with a heat pump is one way of doing this – it provides heat by taking low temperature heat from the environment and transforming it to a higher temperature.
Planning permission and heat pumps
There are a number of heat pumps to choose from:
Air source heat pumps - absorb heat from the outside air
In a domestic situation they may fall under permitted development meaning planning permission is not required but with strict conditions applying. Discuss this with your council’s planning team.
Ground or water source heat pumps - extract heat from the ground
May well fall under permitted development also, unless you live in a listed building or a conservation area. Again, check with your local planning authority.
Solar assisted heat pump (absorbs atmospheric heat) and exhaust air pump (uses the heat from waste air leaving a building)
Speak to your local planning authority for advice.
Further information
Useful guidance

Will I need building regulations approval for a heat pump?
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